What is Licensing School? Licensing School provides basic preparation for pastoral ministry, and is an educational requirement for individuals pursuing licensed local pastor ministry in the United Methodist Church. The Center for Ministry at Millsaps College administers the Mississippi Annual Conference Licensing School under the direction of the Mississippi Annual Conference Board of Ordained Ministry and the Office of Spiritual Leadership. Download the License to Preach School Policies and Procedures for details, expectations, and fees. For more information, email the Center for Ministry.
Who Can Attend? Persons who will be appointed in the coming conference year, and who have
completed the candidacy process,
received the recommendation of their local church Pastor-Parish Relations Committee and Charge Conference,
been approved by their District Committee on Ordained Ministry,
and, been approved by the candidate's mentor, DCOM Chair, and District Superintendent.
When Is the School Held? On 8 weekends beginning in August and concluding in April. Some weekends begin on Friday evening and end on Saturday afternoon, while others are held on single Saturdays. Students are expected to begin in August and move through the entire sequence of classes in the same year.
Where Do the Classes Take Place? The Mississippi Annual Conference Licensing School meets at Millsaps College in Jackson, MS. What Topics Does Licensing School Cover? The Licensing School includes courses in spiritual formation, worship and sacraments, preaching, the United Methodist tradition, pastoral care, administration, and Christian education.
What Can I Expect Once I Finish the School? The Bishop grants Licenses to Preach at the Annual Conference session to those who have completed the School, along with all other requirements, and are receiving an appointment.
How do I register? You can register and pay online by clicking on "click here to register" under each course name. The system will automatically send an email to your DCOM Chair and District Superintendent for approval. By registering, you indicate that you have read and agreed to the Mississippi Annual Conference Licensing School policies, procedures, and guidelines.
I've registered! What Do I Do Now? Notify your DS, DCOM Chair, and mentor, and ask them to send a approval of registration email to the Center for Ministry. Then go to Resources for Current Students and download your orientation packet and purchase your textbooks. For information on GBHEM Policies and Guideline, click here. For our Sexual and Racial Harassment Policy, click here.